Christmas at the Cottage December 2-3 10a-9p

To Do Lists ~ For the Glory of God

I've gotten "to do" lists wrong.  I've become a slave to my lists and let them burden me deeply.  I've started them on Monday and listed them out by day, only to get through a tiny bit and feel like a failure.  This morning I read from Lamentations 3, "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."  I've been scheduling my day and planning with my lists, and I've not done it for the glory of God.  I've done it, well, for my glory.  It's no wonder I felt like a failure when the list glares back at me or overwhelms me.  It's no wonder it never feels like enough.  My intent is wrong.  So beginning this new morning, this is my newly titled list, "To do~ For God's glory". He will multiply what little I am able to do. I just need to be faithful and obedient.

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